Karate vs. Running: Comparing Calories Burned

July 12, 2023


Are you someone who wants to stay healthy but also wants to enjoy the process? Have you ever been in a dilemma between choosing karate or running for your daily exercise? Well, we are here to break down the numbers and give you a clearer picture of how many calories you burn in each activity.

Karate vs Running


Karate is a traditional martial art that involves practicing strikes, blocks, and kicks to improve your fitness, flexibility, and self-defense skills. A typical karate session lasts for an hour and includes a warm-up, stretching, and practicing techniques.

In a moderate-intensity karate class, you can burn around 500-750 calories per hour, depending on your weight and the intensity of the session. Karate is a full-body workout that engages your arms, legs, and core muscles, making it an excellent exercise for overall body fitness.


Running is a popular exercise that involves moving at a consistent pace for a certain duration, which can range from short sprints to long-distance runs. Running is a high-impact exercise that requires good footwear and proper technique to avoid injury.

In a moderate-intensity running session, you can burn around 600-800 calories per hour, depending on your weight, pace, and terrain. Running mainly focuses on your lower body and cardio fitness, making it an excellent exercise for improving your endurance and stamina.

Intensity and Calories Burned

The number of calories you burn in both activities depends on various factors like your weight, intensity, and duration. However, here are some general estimates for the number of calories you can burn in each activity based on your weight and intensity level:


    • 150-pound person:


      • Low intensity (400-500 calories per hour)


      • Moderate intensity (500-750 calories per hour)


      • High intensity (800-900 calories per hour)



    • 200-pound person:


      • Low intensity (500-600 calories per hour)


      • Moderate intensity (600-900 calories per hour)


      • High intensity (900-1000 calories per hour)





    • 150-pound person:


      • Low intensity (300-400 calories per hour)


      • Moderate intensity (600-700 calories per hour)


      • High intensity (1000-1200 calories per hour)



    • 200-pound person:


      • Low intensity (400-500 calories per hour)


      • Moderate intensity (800-900 calories per hour)


      • High intensity (1200-1400 calories per hour)



Pros and Cons of Karate and Running

Karate Pros

    • Improves overall body fitness


    • Enhances self-defense skills


    • Strengthens muscles and improves flexibility


Karate Cons

    • Requires a trained instructor to avoid injury


    • May not be suitable for people with joint problems


    • Can be expensive to join a dojo


Running Pros


    • Requires minimal equipment and can be done anywhere


    • Can be high or low intensity based on your fitness level


Running Cons

    • High-impact exercise that can cause injury without proper form and footwear


    • May not engage all muscle groups evenly


    • Can be repetitive and boring for some people




Q1. What is better for weight loss, karate or running?

A: Both karate and running can help you lose weight as long as you are in a calorie deficit. However, running may burn more calories per hour compared to karate, making it a more efficient exercise for weight loss.

Q2. Can karate help with self-defense?

A: Yes, karate can help you develop self-defense skills by teaching you strikes, blocks, and kicks that can be used in real-life situations.

Q3. What is the best time to do karate or running?

A: The best time to do karate or running is when you feel most energized and focused. Some people prefer morning workouts, while others prefer evening workouts based on their daily schedule and preference.

Q4. How often should I do karate or running?

A: It is recommended to do karate or running at least 3-4 times per week to see significant improvements in your fitness level and overall health.

Q5. Can I do both karate and running?

A: Yes, you can do both karate and running to get a balanced workout routine that engages all muscle groups and improves your fitness level.


In conclusion, both karate and running are excellent exercises that can help you improve your fitness level and overall health. The choice between the two depends on your preference, fitness level, and goals. Whether you prefer karate or running, the key is to stay consistent and committed to your workout routine to see significant improvements over time. So, come visit our dojo at Sensei Rakesh Kumar and start your karate journey today!

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