Best Martial Arts Styles for Weight Loss

July 9, 2023


Being fit is not only important for your physical health but also for your mental well-being. There are various ways to lose weight, but one of the most effective ways is through martial arts. Martial arts not only helps you in losing weight but also teaches you self-defense techniques that can come in handy in various situations. In this blog post, we will explore the best martial arts styles for weight loss.

1. Kickboxing:

Kickboxing is a high-intensity workout that combines cardio and strength training. It involves punching and kicking movements that help in burning calories and building strength. Kickboxing can burn up to 750 calories in an hour, making it an excellent choice for weight loss.

2. Muay Thai:

Muay Thai is a martial art that originated in Thailand. It is similar to kickboxing, but it involves more elbow and knee strikes. Muay Thai is a full-body workout that helps in burning calories and building lean muscle mass. It is an excellent choice for anyone looking to lose weight while also learning self-defense techniques.

3. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu:

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a martial art that focuses on grappling and ground fighting. It involves intense physical activities like rolling and sparring that help in burning calories and building strength. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a full-body workout that helps in losing weight while also improving their flexibility and balance.

4. Karate:

Karate is a martial art that originated in Japan. It involves striking movements like kicks and punches that help in burning calories and building strength. Karate is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a high-intensity workout that combines cardio and strength training.

5. Taekwondo:

Taekwondo is a martial art that originated in Korea. It is known for its high kicks and spinning techniques. Taekwondo is a great way to build strength, flexibility, and endurance. It is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a full-body workout that helps in burning calories and building lean muscle mass.

6. Kung Fu:

Kung Fu is a Chinese martial art that involves various striking and grappling techniques. It is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a full-body workout that helps in burning calories and building strength. Kung Fu also helps in improving focus and concentration.

7. Boxing:

Boxing is a martial art that involves punching movements. It is a high-intensity workout that helps in burning calories and building strength. Boxing is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a full-body workout that combines cardio and strength training.

8. Krav Maga:

Krav Maga is a martial art that originated in Israel. It involves real-life self-defense techniques that can come in handy in various situations. Krav Maga is a full-body workout that helps in burning calories and building strength while also teaching you self-defense techniques.


1. What is the best martial art for weight loss?

Kickboxing, Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Karate, Taekwondo, Kung Fu, Boxing, and Krav Maga are all great martial arts for weight loss.

2. Can martial arts help in building lean muscle mass?

Yes, martial arts involve various physical activities like striking, grappling, and rolling, that help in building lean muscle mass.

3. Is martial arts suitable for all age groups?

Yes, martial arts can be practiced by anyone, regardless of their age or gender.

4. Do I need prior experience to start martial arts?

No, most martial arts schools welcome beginners and provide the necessary training to learn the techniques.

5. How long does it take to see results from martial arts?

It depends on factors like your current fitness level, diet, and how frequently you train. Generally, consistent training can show results in a few weeks to a few months.


Martial arts is an excellent way to lose weight while also learning self-defense techniques and improving your overall fitness. Kickboxing, Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Karate, Taekwondo, Kung Fu, Boxing, and Krav Maga are some of the best martial arts styles for weight loss. So, what are you waiting for? Find a martial arts school near you and start your fitness journey today!

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